Pokkelokkie Sleepy Dust Hemp Fitted


Pokkelokkie Sleepy Dust Hemp Fleece Fitted, excellent night nappy.

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All fitteds are made from hemp fleece. You need a snappy to close the nappy.

These are EXCELLENT NIGHT NAPPIES. Rated as one of the top 5 fitteds on the SACNU website.


Size 1 :Birth – 6kg: R185

The shell has a sewn in centre panel. One x 3 layer and 1 x 2 layer  inserts included. Total 8 layers hemp.

Size 2 : 6kg – 10kg : R405

3 layer snake hemp fleece insert and an extra 2 layer insert included. Total: 8 layers hemp.

Size 3: 9/10kg+: R435

3 layer snake hemp fleece insert and an extra 2 layer insert  included.Total: 8 layers hemp.

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Size 1, Size 2, Size 3


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Nicola Pearson | info@petitpear.co.za | 0719143389