Karoo Boerseep


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This soap is made in the age old tradition with the Michau’s grass fed, completely free range beef tallow, using this same recipe that has been used for generations. The Michau soap pot has withstood the test of time and is the very same pot used to make each batch of hand crafted soap.

chemical free!


Cloth nappies: great for those winter days when you need white nappies but the sun isn’t out!

Clothes: Add to your handwash or machine wash for a whiter than white result.

Stain Removal: Removes fatty / stubborn stains eg wine, blood, rust, mud, grass, curry etc.

Household cleaning: cleans pots & pans, kitchen counters, ovens, bathrooms.

Carpets & upholstery cleaner

Bathsoap: Moisturising for your skin & very good for people with excema, psoriasis or sensitive skin.

Wash your dog: Great for their skin & keeps the crawlies away!