This chunky bar is perfect for hand laundering and to rub onto stained clothes. The bar comes in a net bag which works as a scour and to hang-dry the bar itself. The ingredients are natural, gentle on laundry (leaving no harmful chemical residue on clothes) and as a result kinder to skin. It is also 100% biodegradable making it a great environment friendly option especially if you are recycling your laundry water.
User tip: Try a soapy water solution as a cloth nappy pre-soak.
100% plant based oils – vegan friendly!
Make Your Own Natural Laundry Washing Powder Using Mother Nature Product’s Natural Laundry Soap Bar:
You need:
- 6 cups of Bicarbonate of Soda (which you’ll turn into Baking Soda) (or use pure washing powder also known as soda ash or sodium carbonate) and add a bit of borax – 2 cups (also optional)
- ½ x 200gms of Mother Nature Laundry soap
- 5 drops of essential oil (lemongrass, tea tree, peppermint, lavender or rose ) (optional)
- non-GMO white vinegar for the rinse (optional)
- food processor
- Firstly, you have to turn your bicarb of soda into baking soda, and here’s how:
Pour your bicarb onto (clean and dry) baking trays and bake in the oven on 200 degrees C for about 30 – 40minutes, giving it a little juggle/mix around midway so it all bakes evenly.
When you take it out, it should have changed from a powdery substance (which you can clump together) into tiny individual grains.
- Cut your Mother Nature Laundry soap into small chunks and add it to the food processor along with the now washing soda.
- Blend until you have a fine powder. You may want to lay a dish towel over the top of your food processor to prevent a fine mist of powder from floating into the air. Also, let it settle a bit before opening the container or the powder will float onto your kitchen counter.
- Pour into a clean glass container (keep the essential oil next to the jar and add 5 drops with each load or you can add it to the powder prior to blending the ingredients).
To Use:
- Add 2-3 tablespoons laundry detergent per load (hot or cold wash but some peeps recommend dissolving the solution in hot water prior to a cold wash).
- If desired, add about five drops of lemon essential oil as a degreaser.
- Add 1/2 cup vinegar to the fabric softener compartment.
- Note: all of the ingredients in this recipe are considered natural and septic system safe.