Outer: 100% woven Cotton
Hidden: TPU/PUL Waterproof layer
Inner: Gold Dotted Minky Staydry Fabric
Insert: Double layered Cotton Fleece Quad/Trifold and Snap in Staydry insert(up to 10 absorbant layers)
Elastics: Non Adjustable
LuLi&Co’s Snap in One’s(SIO) are suitable for Light to Medium wetters as a Daytime option. The nappy comes with a unique Quad/Trifold which can be folded into either Quad’s with a shorter length or into Thirds for a longer length insert option, a Snap in Staydry insert is also included with a colour coordinated staydry layer, keeping your baby comfy and dry.
Outer: 100% woven Cotton
Hidden: TPU/PUL Waterproof layer
Inner: Gold Dotted Minky Staydry Fabric
Insert: Double layered Cotton Fleece Quad/Trifold and Snap in Staydry insert(up to 10 absorbant layers)
Elastics: Non Adjustable